4. 기타
(1) have 목적어 p.p. = get 목적어 p.p. 두 가지
Mary had her roof repaired yesterday. = Mary arranged for someone else to repair it.
Mary had all her money stolen yesterday. ( = All her money was stolen.)
S have O p.p  //목적어의 관계에 따라 시키다, 당하다 뜻 둘다 가능하다.
get 은 informal, spoken English 에 쓰이며, have와 뜻의 차이는 없다. 
p.p 대신 부정사를 쓰면 have와 get의 경우가 다르다.
Mary had him repair her roof yseterday. 그가 고치는 것. 
=Mary got him to repair her roof yesterday. 
(2) 형태는 능동태인데, 관용적으로 수동의 의미로 쓰이는 경우가 있다. 보통 부사를 동반하는 경우가 많다.
Thie book reads well.
This book translates well.
This camera handles easily.
Paper tears easily.
TV stars' autobiographies sell poorly.
cf.) The store sells TV stars' autobiographies.
(3) be supposed to R 의 두 가지
ex) ~로 생각되어진다.
The minister is supposed to be forced to resigh.
=It is supposed to be forced to resign.
=People suppose that the minister is forced.
Micheal Jordan is supposed to have been (더과거) the greatest basketball plater.
=It is supposed that M.J was the greatest ~
The train was supposed to arrive at 11:30.  (Plan. Arrangement, expectation) ~plan, arrangement, expectation
그렇게 하기로 되어있었는데 하지못했다.(과거로쓰일때)
You are supposed to know how to drive.  ===>(duty, shoud)
You are not supposed to park your car here. (should not, must not)

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