in case
어떤 경우에 대해 말할때
In case of any emergencies, call me.
In case of a fire, use the stairs to evacuate the building.
불확실한 상황을 대비할 때
In case it's expensive, bring the extra money.
In case it's closed, let's call before we leave.
만약의 상황을 대비할 때
Why don't you get insurance? just In case.
Why don't we bring the extra cups? just In case.
In case I forget to call you, you should make a note for yourself.
내가 널 도와 주지 못할 수 도 있으니깐, 사람에게 도움을 요청해
In case of rain, bring your umbrella.
비가올 경우를 대비해서 우산가져가
May I suggest
May I suggest you find a partner?
May I suggest you go to the bank before it closes?
의견을 제시할떄
I suggest we try it another way.
I suggest we send her an email for a confirmation.
May I suggest you excercise regularly?
May I suggest you study a little harder?
와인 한잔 권해도 될까요?
May I suggest a glass of wine?
사업을 확장하는건 어떨까요?
May I suggest we expand our business?
Let me know
상대에게 여유를 줄때
just let me know when you're ready.
let me know when you finish recording.
상대 의견울 구할때
If you have any questions, just let me know.
If you have a clue, just let me know.
상대의 새소식을 기다릴때
When you're ready to order, just let me know.
When you're visiting my school, just let me know.
필요하신게 있으면 말씀해주세요.
Let me know if you need anything.
일을 끝마치면 말해주세요.
Let me know when you are done.
instead of
대안을 제시할때
Please use the subway instead of your car.
Take my camera instead of yours.
다른것을 권할때
Eat steak instead of spaghetti.
Drink water instead of coffee.
완곡히 거절할때
Instead of dating, Let's be freinds.
Insted of going out, Let's stay at home.
밖에 나가지말고 집에있어
Instead of going out, stay home.
그는 공부를 하는대신 영화를 보러갔어.
He went to the movies instead of studying.
'영어 > 회화' 카테고리의 다른 글
Now that, It turns out (0) | 2017.09.26 |
I ended up, as of, You're supposed to (0) | 2017.09.25 |
After all, There is no need to, It's time to, I'm now able to (0) | 2017.08.10 |
I ask, I won't, I'm looking for, Congratulations on 패턴 (0) | 2017.08.03 |
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